
What Does The Spider Symbolize

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The poem I have decided to read and analyze is “The spider and the Fly” by Mary Howitt. The poem tells a story of a cunning spider that ties to deceive a silly fly through flattery. Howitt uses many literary devices such as rhyme similes, repetition, alliteration, personification and, Assonance to tell the story of the spider and the fly. The first four stanzas follow the same rhyme scheme, i.e. AABBCC. The fourth and fifth stanza follows AABBCCDD. The last stanza has a scheme of AABB. In “The Spider and the Fly,” some literary devices Howitt uses rhyme similes, repetition, alliteration, personification and, Assonance. Howitt uses is simile, which is a figure of speech using like or as. She demonstrates it by saying “your eyes are like the diamond bright, but …show more content…

In the poem the predominant is on of flattery and deception. It tells a story of a cunning spider enticing a little fly with his tricky words to fall into his trap. Similar how human beings are often influenced by the words of flattery of others. The spider tries deceiving the fly by luring her into the parlor by showing her pretty things, offering her a comfortable bed and good things to eat. When the spider fails at tempting the fly with those, the spider then uses his strongest weapon, fake flattery. This is how he eventually traps the fly at the end. Although the fly repeatedly states that he does not intend to enter because he has heard tales of victims who were subjected to his evilness and cruelty. The spider continues to give false praises, he is confident he will sway her and gives her compliments on her appearance. He offers her a chance to see her own beauty by giving her a looking glass so that she can appreciate her own beauty. He starts to convince the fly and her vanity ultimately does her in. The poet is warning people not to pay attention to false flattery and enticements and learn from the fly’s

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