
What Employers Are Looking for in Employees Essay examples

Decent Essays

Now a day employers look for many skills in workers. There are many reasons why worker are not get a job or they are getting fired, but there is one reason why that is happening. That reason is that many employers need people with good skills, qualities and attributes. There are many workers out there, who don’t have the skills that are need in the current workforce. Well that is going to change and there the career and work counsellor come in. “For years, employers have been aware of employee engagement and maintenance issues in their workplaces. As the millennial generation (also commonly known as Gen-Y and includes births from 1982 – 2000) grows in the workforce and baby boomers retire, managers and human resources professionals will …show more content…

Example is the counsellor job is to start to talk with the client to help the client feel safe and positive about the session. Also providing the clients with the basis communication skills, that shows that they are able to have these skills and are helping them get a job with their new skill. The other skills is “Flexibility is about an employee and an employer making changes to when, where and how a person will work to better meet individual and business needs. Flexibility enables both individual and business needs to be met through making changes to the time (when), location (where) and manner (how) in which an employee works. Flexibility should be mutually beneficial to both the employer and employee and result in superior outcomes. (” Flexibility is very important in today’s workplace because employers are looking for workers who are willing to travel and who could come in at any time when there are needed. There also want the workers to be flexibility with changes in the workplace, which there company could grow. The other skill is that today’s workers are willing to learn new things. Many employers look for employees who are able to adapt to new things. As I said many baby boomers are retiring early, because technology systems and operating them is hard for him to learn. But there could keep that job if there are willing to learn the new technology. A good worker is someone with a good

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