
Misanthropy Project

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What I attempted to alter was my antisocial attitudes and behaviors. These behaviors may have developed slowly, but they significantly increased fatigue, negative mood spirals, and obsessive behavior. These symptoms sometimes prevented me from trying much harder than the minimum for many projects. This led to moderate-to-high depression, as well as a misanthropic, hostile attitude towards humanity in general. This would have formerly been seen a characteristic that rarely manifested itself, and was often disregarded entirely, but was now present in all parts of my day I spent at school. I felt a magnetic-like repulsion that prevented me from talking to people, and this caused many problems. I could talk, but I could not talk socially, and this strange behavior likely caused a good deal of my misanthropy. I researched for hours on websites, but I could not find any helpful information that pointed to what disorder I have. However, I knew there must have been ways I could fix this. I had already took small steps when my teacher announced a self-improvement project, and this is when I knew I had to start. I decided that, if nothing, I would record my problems more accurately, and to go about this endeavor could not make things worse. Though not everything I did was helpful, this project has undoubtedly helped me.

II. Research Peters 2 The research I did all seemed to point to similar problems. My obsessive attitudes were causing more problems than

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