
What I Became A Christian Woman 's Life

Decent Essays

In general, due to my upbringing, I became emotional damaged from my parents’ divorces and sworn I would never allow my children to go through such trauma; therefore, well-intended and stupidly, I stayed in the confusion, trying to count off the years. Thus, I continued to struggle with what I assumed existed as a Christian woman’s life; yet, always yearning and praying for a sincere loving relationship with my husband. Notwithstanding, through this extensive journey (eighteen years) I read books relentlessly, talked to numerous counselors, psychiatrist, psychologist, preachers, priests, and prayed persistently. Always searching for answers, while hoping this level of consciousness would cultivate; for I craved an intimate closeness with true love. Alas, my marriage existed as the ideal example of the Bible’s warning ‘not to be unequally yoked together,’ (2 Cor. 6:14), for we were miles apart in our philosophy and religious beliefs. Conclusively, ‘this brief’ accounting endues as merely a tiny proportion of my marital nightmare; however, I wanted to relate how religiously imbalanced those years occurred. Thus, even though religion appeared to generate problems in my marriage, I still devotedly sensed that Christianity had all the answers and in my spirit, I would always gravitate back to researching Christianity’s mysterious existence. In due course, I grew outwardly detached from the majority of what “appeared religious;” still, reclusively, I cultivated an intense ongoing

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