
What I Have A? Essay

Decent Essays

Often times I Have been asked to describe myself with the use of only one word, so if I had to choose only one; it would be different. I have always had a impulse to walk to the beat of my own drum, never having much of a desire to fit in the thick of the masses. Nevertheless, there is much more to my sould than meets ones eye. I have conformed from the diverse amount of individuals whom have motivated me in my life, and together I am made up of many different and diverse layers. Each layer is not a mask, but a distinct and authentic part of me; countless traits converged into one wild and loving personality. Perchance the most characterizing element in my entierty- was my upbringing. My parents and grandparents adequately instilled values into my once ever so blank canvas of a mind, and now, I have established a deeply-rooted moral foundation for myself, today. Which in turn, is most likely why I have almost an immunity to censorship due to having discovered suggestive or explicit concepts such as drugs or violence, only opened my mind to different aspects of a not so beautiful world, but never once did it taint my deeply inbeted values. Having made me aware of the diverse and dark realities in the world, nevertheless discerning the right from the wrong. My principles and values are solid, and I rarely find myself following the ebbs and tides, though not so much that I am alenated, but rather, playing on a different beat, yet in the same harmony. However, that harmony

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