Coming into this class I did not know what to expect. Also, I did not know I would learn so much about myself by just reading deeper into literature. This class has definitely opened my eyes to a new style of reading. I wouldn't say I focus on every word when reading books now, but I would say I think deeper about the meaning of a few lines. I do this because of the specific words that are used and the order that they are placed in. I’ve definitely taken what we have learned it class about reading in a different manner and applied it to my everyday reading. Normally, when I found words in a passage, novel, or text that I didn’t know the meaning of I wouldn’t look them up. Now, I look up every word that I don’t understand. I really appreciate understanding every sentence and don't take for granted the order of the words either. I also challenge myself by asking questions to others when I’m unsure of what a passage is saying. I also realized the value in other people's opinion when it comes to comprehending any topic, situation, passage, or …show more content…
It was sudden and many were affected by her death. Everyone who knew her grieved in a different way, and I know it seems weird but this class helped me cope with her death. It challenged me to understand my interpretation of the meaning of my life therefore giving me a more clear understanding of how Erica gave meaning to her life. Erica’s death also pushed me to live everyday like it was my last in honor of her. Erica had already figured this “live like it's your last day” mentality at a much younger age. This class also brought me a lot of pain when it came to her death and having to realize she didn’t know it was coming. There was no acceptance or decision to end her life it just happens and it sucks and there's no reason behind it. All I could do after the initial shock hit was grow as a person while I’m still here on
I hate reading and writing I never show interesting and I thought it was boring and just slept the whole period. But taking English 096 in my first semester at Harold Washington has impacted my writing skills in a positive way. This class helped me to learn more the skills I needed to become a better writer I college and for my future. Professor Thomas helped me with my writing and showed me that I do not have to be a perfect writer to get my point across. Like every writer we have are weaknesses and are strongest strategies. One of my weak is brainstorming ideas for my topic or how to compare two stories. But the class thought me how to comprehend the stories and try to make things they have in common. English 096 have also helped me to communicate more with my peers. My peers will help me revise my writing and make common so I can fix them and just make my final draft. I changed how I write because when the semester I was as good as a writer because I thought it was boring. But time passed I started to feel interesting and with the help of the professor I started to write better. The professor was determined to make us better writer. He would do every morning warm up and it seems small but it had an impact of how I write. Because I learned little things I never heard about.
In Freshman Composition I learned what metacognition means, and how it applies to academic writing. Next I learned about textual evidence and backing up your opinions with research. *I expect this class to help develop my writing skills, as well as find my voice in writing, all together I expect this class to be challenging but rewarding. Therefore I have set a few goals for myself, my first goal is to step out of my comfort zone and research topics I have never heard of before. My second goal is to not second-guess myself on my writing topics and/or choices. Furthermore I expect great things to come from this
As I was reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor, I was thinking about how much I have missed in the books I have read due to not knowing how to look for certain literary devices. Something as simple as not knowing how to read between the lines caused me to miss out on points the author was trying to make. Over the course of reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor, I have learned many ways to analyze literature that I did not know before.
I was pleased by how much I enjoyed the readings required for this class. I feel that I devoted a good amount of time into understanding the works that we had to read. I got the most out of each reading, besides the Iliad, and my analyzation skills thoroughly improved due to the variety. Thanks to this variety, my skills of being able to comprehend and understand the deeper meaning of the novels that reside between the lines have grown stronger than what they were before the class
Before English 101 I used to read and not analyze what I read. This would make it real hard for me to understand what I just read. And when I would read I would skip many words because of how fast I read the book. I would read the book but would have no clue what I just had read. But once I analyzed the book it helped me enjoy reading.
Writing can be a daunting task for students in any grade. Teachers have to implement new basic components for those struggling to write. Finding new methods and being able to execute them requires teachers to design lesson plans that help
Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate my voice more in my essays and I believe
As a general rule, I do not like to write. The course that goes along with writing is exciting, but I am not a fan of putting the study together to make it flow. I have come to realize, however, that writing and college go hand in hand, especially in ENG 61. During this class, I was required to write term paper and blog numerous times, both of which are
Before entering this class I had moderate writing abilities and poor analyzing abilities. Since this is a writing class I knew it would consist of a lot of writing. However I didn’t expect this class to be so focused on research. So from this class I learned more than just writing and research abilities, I absorbed the capability to read better as well as reflect.
All these theories and strategies I learned about were implemented through the frequent writing assignments. As a first year, I have had little experience with writing research based papers. I frequently wrote in high school, but never used APA format. I had never written an annotated bibliography before, and it assisted me in organizing my research. I learned that writing is never finished; as a perfectionist, I often struggled with my longer papers. As an undergraduate, I need to give room for failure and accept it. I worked hard in this class, and I like to think my grades reflect it. This class taught me the importance of rubrics and how to stay on top of things. I will not always have time to constantly critique my work in the career force,
I have always enjoyed literature from a very young age. I was that child that you would find in a corner reading multiple books in one night instead of playing, so I was very excited to take this course and I am very glad I did. After taking this class I feel like I’ve grown as a reader and broadened my horizons of the pieces of literature I enjoy.
A part inside of me immediately freaks out when I hear about English classes only because it was not my best subject when I was in high school. It was mainly the writing process as I felt I was not as strong in or having the correct formatting. It would always take me extremely long to come up with topics and I just was not understanding what it was the teacher was looking for. However, high school was a bit ago, so I am thrilled to be back and getting my education from instructors within Full Sail University. I am hoping to learn better ways to brainstorm or gather ideas so I can expand my writing and get more in depth with
I have been a student at San Jose States University for second years, English 1A was my first regular English class, and over the course of my stay I have grown and learned a lot. As Hospitality major, I do not know whether need my writing skills for future job, but I know the great experience in English 1A class would help me to improve all my writing weakness.
Think about your experiences of writing at college. Which types of assignments have you found helpful in strengthening your writing skills? Where do you want to improve your writing? What’s the most useful advice you’re received that’s helped you improve your writing. Be as specific as possible.
When I first started this course I didn’t know what to expect. I really enjoyed writing but there was a lot of areas that I needed to work on. When I first started to review the modules I was blown away by all the helpful sites that were at my disposition. The Power points and different sites completely changed my whole perspective of writing to a whole new dimension. Thanks to the modules I am more confident right now before I even begin an essay. I remember in the past how beginning an essay was so difficult for me because I didn’t know how to even start. In this course I have learned how to begin an essay, how to manipulate information, and how to use in-text documentation properly. These are just some of the few things that I will definitely be taking with me in the future for my courses and personal growth.