The America I believe in I am going to write about the America I believe in. In my opinion, there are some good, and some bad in America. I’m going to explain what I like about America, or what I thinks good. One of the things I like about America is people have freedom. In other countries, people can’t choose what schools their kids can go to, if their kids are even allowed to go to school. They also can’t have the rights that other people have, like where they want to go to church, what jobs they want, or even going places that they want to go. But in America, we have the freedoms. Another thing I like about America is our flag. I like that every morning in our schools, we get to say… “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United
One of the most important and well-known facts about America is freedom. We are granted the freedom or choice in our
When you picture the flag you think of Freedom, Liberty, Allegiance, and how grand America is.
Freedom, one of the things the US flag stands for me is freedom. The freedom to say anything that’s on my mind, to believe in whatever I want without having someone threatening me like in other countries. The freedom and peace of knowing that I can go to sleep and wake up calmly thanks to the amazing, brave heroes we have fighting for our countries rights.
Freedom Flag Imagine being able to be who you want to be, and to be in a world of justice and freedom. Well that’s what America’s flag means to me. I’m happy that I can have friends that are any skin color. I’m joyful that I can go to any restaurant, waiting room, doctor’s office, and school as anyone else.
“Sure I wave the flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure, I love my country with all her faults. I’m not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be,” said our own Iowa native John Wayne. I love the American flag. To me, the flag means respect, gratitude, and freedom.
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
Every person in America has these freedoms that are so withheld and denied in third world countries.
Some aspects of the America I believe in are disturbingly generic. Just off the top of my head, freedom. Were all free in America, no slavery, no segregation, and no monarchy. Like I stated at the beginning of this essay, I am confident. But the aspects of America I really want to highlight are the ones that protect us from harm. One of these rights is the freedom of petition. Now your probably wondering, “Why is the freedom of petition included, this kid is crazy!” I included petition in this list because you’re able to tell the government,
We are all defined from a standard, a status quo that has been deemed “normal”, because of what? This is how we all must be, who we all must love, and what we all must believe in because some man, soaking in water of poisoned righteousness, said if we did not we would go to hell? This man who says God is the Lord of sinners, that He is the Father of forgiveness. We were made in God’s image—all of us—and yet people are killed because of the color of our skin, the people we love, and what we believe in. The world would be undeniably better if we rid ourselves of the standard and eliminated racial, sexual, and religious orientations.
There are such a large number of individuals around the world with a different point of view and thought. Indeed, even kin or siblings have diverse perspective about in any parts of life. What I like about America is, all individuals originate from different part of the world to make it a big nation. A few individuals are truly useful and others have absence of support.
There are practically two types of people in the world, those who love America, and those who hate it. In that sense, Americanism can be somewhat balanced in terms of whether America is helpful or hurtful, and almost never in between. I, for one, love America because of the nation’s lifestyle and the way things work around here.
In addition of that part, I am going to talk about how we have our own beliefs and rights to say what we want to say. Like if a person doesn’t, like what’s happening they are able to protest to show America what they or we believe in. And people in America can’t tell what is wrong from right and what you are saying or believe in. In some countries they are not even allowed to pick their own job. In America you get to pick anything you want to be.
Under the laws of the government, every citizen is given a set of basic rights known as civil rights. Thanks to our Constitution, the civil rights of american citizens is protected.-- Meaning that for every person, our civil rights grants us the *opportunity to not be discriminated against. Rather it be by religion, age, disability, gender, nationality or skin color. Civil rights include: a fair trial, privacy, the right to free speech, assembly, freedom of thought, and
Imagine yourself on an abandoned road in a scorching weather with only very less water left in your water container and if you don’t drink the left water, you might faint due to dehydration. Suddenly, you notice a stranger who looks in a very pathetic condition running towards you and asks for some water. Would you offer your water container? Maybe? Maybe not? Who knows? One does not simply face such kind of situations, especially if they live in developed countries such as the United States. America has indeed one of the best economies in the world and is very capable of not just providing sufficient basic needs to its citizens but is also most often left with a surplus. And so the question arises- where does all this surplus or we should
Over this entire year, I have learned so much from my Honors World Cultures class. In the past years of my learning, they taught me a lot about American history. I was very familiar with all the wars and conflicts America has been involved in. What I learned new was all the conflict that went on outside of America. I was amazed how much happens that we never hear about. I learned so much about people’s culture and how it affected their lives just because of the choices they made.