
What I Want My Goals

Decent Essays

When I first started to think about what I wanted my goals to be, it was actually very overwhelming. I have never been one of the skinny girls that can fit into a size two or where extra small shirts. I was always one of the thicker girls that was always buff and alto stronger from playing softball all of my life. While I was playing softball I never really paid attention to what I ate because we were always having to eat at fast food places because of tournaments. I never really gained any weight either simply because I would always be active wither before I ate or right after I ate. Once I stopped playing softball after my senior year ended I never changed my eating habits. I was always sitting at home munching on snacks all day long or going to work and picking up something from McDonald’s before or after work. I gained about five pounds over summer break but I didn’t really think much of it. Once I got to LC I noticed that I wasn’t eating healthy like I should have been. That is when I decided that I wanted to work on my weight and also get a lot of my muscle strength back.
When I first starting doing my workout plan I stuck to it for a little while until I started to get more and more stressed out about how much school work I was having to deal with. One class in particular is very challenging for me and has been since he very beginning of the school year. While I was sticking to my workout plan, I did notice some changes in my body. I started feeling better because of

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