
What I Want With My Life

Decent Essays

Growing up in Miami I have gotten accustomed to the cold and impersonal interactions attributed to living in a big city. Although I enjoy all of the opportunities that are presented by metropolitan areas, it disheartens me to know that most people in urban settings do not know their neighbors. Via avian perspective, you can see the large-scale segregation of classes and ethnic groups. Little Havana, Little Haiti, and Little Puerto Rico are just some examples of the neighborhoods I have called home. As a multiracial child, I found it difficult to fit in when the typical icebreaker question was “Where are you from?” “Me?” I would ask. Knowing there was a narrow range of accepted responses I replied, “I am from here - from Earth... but more importantly, where am I going?” It seems a natural human characteristic to assign greater importance to our past experiences than to our aspirations for the future. In order to achieve what I want with my life I know that I must not dwell on the past but focus on the future.
It is human nature to question our reality in an attempt to better understand our surroundings. Science, for me, is the devotion to better understand the world we live in, rooted in the natural and inevitable questions that all humans ask themselves. I believe that by answering the most fundamental questions, the potential technological advancements are much greater than that generated by applied engineering. Nowadays we can thank Einstein 's theory of relativity for

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