
What I Want To Be Remembered After High School

Decent Essays

Legacy, what I want people to remember me by. Many people don't really have an idea about what they want their legacy to be, but I do. This 8th grade year, my last year of middle school, I want to be remembered, by all, or at least close to it. I want to be thought of as the kid that always put forth his best effort at his schoolwork, and the kid that always completed his homework. I want people to remember me as not only the person that had great grades, but also the person that could help other peers when they were confused on school work. I would like to accomplish all of these things, but wanting to have a legacy that consists of many things means you can't just wait for it to come to you, you have to work very hard and try your best. Once you do this, your legacy will be recognized without you even noticing that you left it. I believe that if I were to leave an awesome legacy that would blow all the others away, I would have to certainly work very hard at it. By the end of this 8th grade year I would like my family to think of me as a successful, hard working young man. I want them to know that all my hard work is finally paying off. All of those long nights spent doing projects, homework and essays will finally be worth it. I want them to know I tried my best no matter what obstacles I …show more content…

If I get bad grades, I may be remembered for the wrong legacy. However, if I continue to work hard I won't have to worry about bad grades because I won't have any. In order to be successful, I need to be more proactive when I am confused or unsure about something. It is important that I learn to feel more comfortable when asking questions. Participating in school is also extremely important because when you participate, information is clearer. It also lets the teacher know what you do and don’t understand. All in all, if I have a good work ethic, continue to be proactive, and participate frequently, I could reach my highest

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