
What I Will Talk About

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What I will talk about:
• Introduction
• Changes over time: o Maori’s depicted as brave warriors o Now depicted as dangerous, violent, druggy’s, drunks
• Stereotypes
• Text 1: Once Were Warriors o Negative representation to Maori’s o Term ‘Warrior’ has changed over time o Violence
• Troubled Heke family
• (25.29 - 25.48: Jake abuses his wife: Shows that Maori’s are violent. The kids look scared.)
• Diagetic sound in the house – makes viewers understand more what the trouble is like to live in the troubled Heke familiy’s house.
• Text 2: Legend Drunk Driving Advertisement o Negative representation to Maori’s o Maori was foolish to even consider driving home
• Text 3: Cartoon
• Conclusion


Q: Why did the Maori cross the road on …show more content…

Perhaps you think of New Zealand and you think about the culture of the Maori’s. Or… maybe you think about somebody extremely violent, dangerous, lazy, big, dumb. Maybe you think about them doing drugs, smoking and drinking. These negative words that I have just said have been made into Maori stereotypes over the years. The jokes I started this presentation with show a few of these Maori stereotypes. I will be exploring these stereotypes and the representations of the Maori’s through different texts.

Many years ago, the Maori’s were seen as brave warriors. Through films, advertisements, cartoons, jokes, books and even stamps, the Maori’s have been made to be viewed in a negative light. The texts that I will be exploring include the film ‘Once Were Warriors’, the ‘Legend Drunk Driving’ ad and also a cartoon.

In society and the media, the Maori’s are rarely given good impressions. Also, what is shown regarding the Maori’s is actually quite limited. However, when we do see them, we see them shown in a negative way, and, therefore, we feel obliged to believe that the negative stereotypes portrayed are all that the Maori’s are.

My first text that I will be showing you, is a great representation of this. Once Were Warriors is a film that was made in New Zealand in 1994. It is about the Maori life and it shows this by following the troubled life of the Heke family. The message of the film is to show viewers how the definition of a “warrior has

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