
What I Would Do as an English Teacher

Decent Essays

Even though I have yet to begin my teaching career, I have had some amazing teachers and some teachers who I did not work well with. Through my educational career, I have seen what tactics I find to be helpful and I have seen learning strategies that have hindered the learning process. I have also discovered what I believe the purpose of education is.
The purpose of education is to teach students about their past, inform them about their present and prepare them for their future. Education should enlist the talents of great thinkers and great authors in order to help create the foundation on which the students will begin their educational journey. After those lessons are learned, the students should be able to build on those findings and further their own educational journey. I always found learning to be more exciting whenever I was learning something that pertained to my interests.
As an educator, it is my job to challenge the students in a way that is not detrimental to their education, but instead will enrich their lives and their future. By zeroing in on the students’ strengths and interests, I can help students create a post-secondary path that will be the starting point for their imminent future. Instead of teaching all subjects equally, I believe that students should be allowed to learn the basics and then focus in on one or two subjects.
Teaching English will let me teach some of the great novels, both past and present, which focus on the different time periods,

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