
The Purpose Of Education

Decent Essays

Purpose of Education
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
One purpose of public education is to create a well-rounded society. In a well-rounded society, people are aware of the world around them and can see what needs to be improved. They will be able to come up with plausible solutions to the world’s problems. A person should know basic knowledge from many different topics. People should not only be able to run a society, but run their own lives. Education helps people with creating a life for themselves, where they can choose their own path.
Another purpose for education is to expand a student’s knowledge about the world, including its culture, history and future aspirations. This would come from intrinsic motivation and is fulfilled through education. In this sense, education is needed in order to become your best self. If students are learning about things they are interested in, and digging deeper into those topics, they will soon become a master of that specific skill or topic. Students will hopefully go into a field that they are passionate and interested in so that they can mend and change the world in a positive way that they feel is most impactful. Ideally, this passion that they have would turn into their future career.
What Defines an Exemplary Teacher
“Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best

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