
What Influenced The Development Of Medieval Europe

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Medieval Europe was a lively society developed in Europe between AD 1000 and 1500. Europe had many foundations during the medieval period, was a well-known society, and was known to be a classical heritage of Rome. The western Roman Empire fell and it left people little to no protection against invasions. The Europeans finally entered into a feudal agreement with landlords that promised them protection. As Western Europe fell it went into a chaotic state. One of the major reasons for the decline and fall of Rome was the Germanic Invasions .Majority of the groups that attacked were known as The angles, Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings. These Germanic attacks and or invasions greatly influenced the development of Europe. Angles and Saxons came from the current European country Germany and settled in England. Magyars came from Central Asia and settled what is now Hungary. Vikings were very known shipbuilding and navigation skills. …show more content…

The Vikings rarely settled, They later migrated into Russia. These invasions actually had a positive impact on Rome. It strengthened their feudal system. As the feudal system grew the feudal agreements grew as well. The Romans protection was completely taken away from them. Roman towns were in decline, later losing majority of the population. The Roman towns were developed to support trade. Without any central government, these towns started to die down and people started to drift away. People were looking forward to leadership and production. They had no written law so they elected kings to lead them. Local strongmen who commanded small armies occasionally provided protection to the local towns. The people from these towns made an agreement with the strongmen if the people worked the land the strongmen would give the protection in return. People in these towns had a social hierarchy. They had three social: nobles, clergy, and

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