
Life Lessons Learned

Decent Essays

What’s a lesson you have learned in your life? Well, you have probably learned more than one lesson in your life, and I definitely learn lessons everyday, but one that has stuck with me is that Jesus is the only perfect person, and that I shouldn't feel like I am lacking perfection, because it isn’t possible. I can still strive for it, but I won’t get all the way there. Some people may find that discouraging, but I find that an encouragement. That is because I know that when I fail, I will know that I almost did something impossible. Other people might see that I’m saying that they will fail, and they will. The truth can hurt, but I am (mostly) an honest person. I wouldn't lie about this, and you just need to accept it, no one can be perfect, only Jesus. Reading the Holy Bible has taught me many things. One of my favorite verses is 2 Samuel 22:31, “As for God, his way is perfect; the LORD’S word is flawless; he shields all that take refuge in him.” I had a bad day, and opened to a random verse, and found this. One day in fourth grade we had SBAC testing and I had decided to take my Bible to school to read after I finished, seeing as I usually finished before the end of the day. It was a little bit after 10 o’clock, and Mr. Porter had given us a break. I was by myself sitting in the grass near the backstop on the west side of the field. I was having a bad day, being told I was worthless, so I took my Bible outside and opened my Bible to a random place and started reading. I smelled the grass and felt it under me. The warm May air hugged me like a comforting parent. The grass was slightly wet and the book was heavy in my my hands, the design on the front cover was cool under my fingertips. My fuzzy jacket and sweatpants against my waist and legs. I heard the kids playing around me and the wind whistling through my ears. The pages are thin in my hands as I open to a random place and start reading, seeing only the words. I hear a whistle blown by Mr. Porter, and stand up, feeling the familiar tingle when my legs have fallen asleep.

Have you ever gone to summer camp? Well, if you haven’t, I would suggest it. It is a few in a lifetime chance, and it can change your life. I went to a christian summer camp at

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