
What Is Accidental Death Of An Anarchist

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Accidental Death of an anarchist as a political satire. This play can be acknowledged as a hilarious satire on police corruption in Italy. This play tells us about the case of an anarchist railway worker known as “madman” who supposedly fell to his death from a Police Headquarter white his interrogation in 1969. Fo himself described the play as a farce, “Don’t call my play a comedy. There is a misunderstanding of the word. I call it a farce. In current language, farce is understood as vulgar, trivial, facile, and very simple. What is provocative and rebellious is farce. The establishment goes for comedy, the people go for farce.” (1984) This play was based on real events. In 1969 an anarchist railway man, Guiseppe Pinelli was arrested after a bomb went off in Agricultural Bank in Milan killing 17 people and wounding at least a hundred. Pinelli was known to be a pacifist, opposed to individual acts of violence. His interrogation went on for four days after which, according to the public statement made by Italian police, Pinneli jumped out of the window to his death from fourth floor of the police headquarters. …show more content…

This play was acclaimed as an incisive satire that exposes through grotesque comedy, the issues f public corruption and brutality, manipulation of information by the media, lack of accountability in judicial system, class privilege, the interest of state in actually creating tensions and subversive activism in order to justify the need for authoritative state power and to create fearful idolization, helplessness and indignation in

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