
What Is Bicycle Thieves Essay

Decent Essays

Bicycle thieves is a Italian film which was made in 1948 Directed by De Sica and . After the end of World War 2 Antonio Ricci who was unemployed and is struggling to support his family is given a job hanging up posters around the war torn of Italy Rome He was happy at that time because he was given a chance to have a job and support his family. His wife, Maria had to sell the family's bed linens so Ricci bike could be reclaimed and he could use it. The bike was gotten from a pawnshop so he could take the job. But, tragedy occurs when his bike that he would use for transportation to get to his job is stolen on his first day at work, and his new job is condemned and he loses the only way he can maintain this job and be able to provide for his family unless he can find out who the thief is and regain his bike so he will not get fired from his newly job that he got. So he had to drop what he was working on at that time to go after the person who has stolen his bike …show more content…

It tells a worldwide and still very sad narrative and it does so in a heart wrenching and touching way.

In this film De Sica preferred using real people in his film instead of actors Lamberto Maggiorani, who plays Antonio Ricci, was originally a factory worker Lianella Carell, who plays Ricci's wife, was originally a journalist whom De Sica met when she asked him for an interview Enzo Staiola, who plays the son Bruno, was found watching the shoot.

"In his fine essay for the gorgeous new two-disc reissue of Bicycle Thieves, Godfrey Cheshire claims that Vittorio De Sica’s neo-realist classic and Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane are the “twin fountainheads” of modern cinema. From Welles came a cinema of egotism and personal expression; from De Sica, a cinema of collective conscience and social concern. "

Examples of Neo-Realism Cinematography in the Film
Long static shots- allow the viewer to see the impact of the time period on the whole community instead of just the main

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