
What Is Common Sense By Thomas Paine

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When Thomas Paine says, “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind”, Paine means the problems to inhabitants of America’s government are the same causes of issues within the people in society. Paine writes, “Many circumstances have, and will, arise which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected, and in the event of which their affections are interested” (325). Thomas Paine is saying that although the opportunities to solve the government’s issues have been created and discussed, these solutions are the truth of America waiting to be implemented. If the Americans are in favor of these principles, the country’s battles will begin to decrease. The cause of America …show more content…

Paine opens “Common Sense” to inform the audience about the abuse of power being done by Parliament. Paine writes, “they have undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpation of either” (325). In this quote, Thomas Paine explains that colonies have been rejected by Great Britain rule. The King has ignored the colonist’s advantages of being an American citizen. The colonists had hope of taking over their government to create a better one to protect their natural rights as American citizens. Thomas Jefferson’s claim is similar to the claim of Paine because both figures have been denied of their freedoms as a natural born citizen. It is important to their arguments to emphasize that the colonists have tried to be reasonable because it left them no choice to act against the country’s government. Consequences of the King are out of the colonists’ hands because America tried to reconcile and come to a common ground with Great Britain. The representatives might have used the phrase “in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies“ to display a sense of religious hope and recognize someone higher than the government. Thomas Paine constructed sixteen pamphlets followed by the introduction of the “Common Sense”. The first pamphlet, “The Crisis”, states “Even the expression is impious, for so unlimited a power can belong only to God” (331). Paine speaks of the name of God to inform society that Great Britain is incorrect for thinking that they withhold unlimited power. This role of unlimited power is in the name of God. On page 336, Paine says, “I thank God that I fear not”. The good people of the colonies place God before them to relieve society from the dismay of events that are occurring in the American government. Speaking in the name of God, solidifies their hope for a new

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