
What Is Family Stress?

Decent Essays

The term stress has many meanings, in the context of this discussion, according to Merriam-Webster, it refers to the following: (a) “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation” and (b) “a state resulting from a stress; especially: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium, (job related stress).” Stress is inevitable in each of our lives, but it is the management, adjustment, and resolution of that stress that is pertinent to our success as individuals, families, and societies. Reuben Hill and many theorists alike began to explore the topic of stress; as a result Family Stress theory (FS) is one such theory (Smith & Hamon, 2012). Great Depression, which brought upon abundant stress to every individual and family living during this period, served as the commencement for the research. Today, we continue to attempt to understand stress, how it affects families and individuals in order to …show more content…

According to Smith and Hamon (2012) many theorists’ studied stress, however it is Reuben Hill who came up with the “roller-coaster profile of adjustment” concept based on his examination of families affected by the war. As a result, four stages were identified: (a) crisis, (b) disorganization, (c) recovery, and (d) reorganization. Hill later developed the ABC-X model, which serves as the foundation for the FS theory today (p.116). Although “roller-coaster profile of adjustment” will not be discussed in this memo its ideas are interwoven in the FS theory. The following are the four basic assumption of the ABC-X model: (a) Stressor events, (b) Resources, (c) Definition of the situation, and (d) Stress and crisis. According the ABC-X model, “If the event or stressor is such that the family cannot immediately figure out how to solve the problem, this will lead to

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