No matter what problem we have or how big that problem is, we are going to face questions that are both social and ethical in nature. Geoengineering is a proposal that the scientific community agrees might be necessary to stop the global warming crisis. However, many question if this is ethically acceptable. Humans have already manipulated the ecosystem, but intentionally and unintentionally, but are intentional acts on a large scale a good idea or not (Corner & Pidgeon, 2010). We have no idea what can occur when trying any of the methods, as no one has ever done anything like this in the past to reflect on or to give us suggestions for how we can be successful. Depending on where the manipulation occurs, it can cause different responses …show more content…
Additionally, depending on where the individuals are living, the manipulation could cause tremendous difficulties based on the resources that they have available to them (Corner & Pidgeon, 2010). In a western population, where you have more resources available, better housing and more reliable food sources, you are going to experience less of a affect of your day to day living. For the population that is residing in third world countries, manipulating the ecosystem to lower global warning risks could prove to be traumatic. If they atmosphere and temperature changes too much, will this population have sufficient housing and be able to grow the food that they need to survive (Corner & Pidgeon, 2010). Ethically we cannot assume what is good for us will be good for all inhabitants of our planet. We need to give further consideration before proceeding in how it will affect everyone. Additionally, we need to consider the cost of tackling such measures. Private investors have offered up a large sum of money to assist with the funding needed, but how much government funding will be needed (Corner & Pidgeon, 2010). We need to consider the time that this gets lost in appropriations and in congressional committee meetings to determine if we can do
It will reduce the amount of wildlife dead, reduce production of air pollution, and slow the growth of
personally believe geoengineering could be a controversy which can result of being good and bad. Therefore we can combat global warming by controlling the amounts of substances by the chemical element of atomic being straight into the atmosphere, it could result of canceling out the glob warming effects. If not maybe at least the high tempters would decree. Furthermore by achieving and controlling the amounts of dioxide, we could transform aerosols which they would be in charge of reflecting all the light back to space. This process of global warming is being presented because of the causes of carbon dioxide being cause manly from humans. As humans we need to help ourselves by helping the earth. For example we could rid our bakes instead of
Before making a case on which argument against geoengineering poses the most significant challenge, the biggest component is understanding what geoengineering is and why there could be a moral hazard argument against it. The definition of geoengineering by is to make a large-scale effort to modify (the earth or its environment), especially to counteract global warming:
In his article “The Big Lie: Human Restoration of Nature”, Katz argues ethical restoration is another example of anthropocentricism and is a wrong stance to take on environmental ethics. Katz makes two important claims; he declares that humans dominate nature, and he concludes that humans’ actions are artificial, so their
The hot-button controversial topic of climate change has far-reaching impacts on humans and animals alike that inhabit different regions around the world. As Earth’s temperature rises and sea ice melts away, the balance of life will be forever changed. The consequences of our global footprint will shape the way we live, eat and breathe in the near future if we do not effectively reduce the use of our resources. We are already witnessing the effects of climate changes which can be seen in the differing weather patterns such as extreme storms and prolonged droughts experienced across the world. As human beings, we make choices about how we treat the environment sometimes with little consequence and repeatedly decide to let future generations
With an ever growing human population and an ever developing world of technology, humans have found new ways to change the dynamics of the natural world for their own benefit.
That attempts to reverse the impacts of global warming by using geoengineering methods such as injecting reflective particles into the stratosphere could make matters worse. They feel that this geoengineering technique could cut rainfall in the tropics by 30%. They also think that the changes would happen so quickly that there would be little time to adapt.
Ever since terraformation was imagined years ago, people began to ask if it was ethical. Changing a whole
When looking at environmental ethics, we are focusing on our attitudes towards the impact on the biological and geological aspects of our planet and whether human actions maintains or disturbs the balance between the planet's different life forms and geological systems. This essay will include exploring theories and deciding whether we have an individual moral responsibility towards the environment. Many people believe that as humans, we do have a moral responsibility towards the environment and we must preserve and protect it for the future generations. However, others take an anthropocentric view and they
How can an injustice be changed? First, one must have the knowledge of the injustice. Global climate change is an injustice because it brings damage and harm to animal, human, and environmental habitats. “Global climate change affects Earth’s capacity to sustain life”. Global climate change refers to the alteration of the Earth’s atmosphere temperature (Glossary). Utilitarianism is a theory to find alternatives to combat global climate change. Utilitarianism focuses on the positives influences that come to the greatest number of people (bus dic). To observe a successful response and the likelihood of success one will need to be aware of the objectives to look for. Also, my solution for changing the way the world deals with global climate change and the reasoning will be discussed.
We have spent hundreds of years ruining the planet and to be honest most people don’t care. The world that we live in today is more concerned about the best looking car rather than the car that is best for the atmosphere. They don’t take the time to recycle because they don’t care where the materials end up and quite frankly it’s been going on like this for a long time, all the way back to grandparents and great grandparents. If you are raised in a family who doesn’t necessarily care about global warming and what’s happening to the earth then the cycle is going to continue and in the blink of an eye the entire planet will be in shambles. People are losing their farms because of the increase of heat in the northeast. Increased storm surges are affecting the productivity of crops and forests in the southeast region and the list goes on. But even the people who are being affected directly may not be concerned about the bigger issue. One person cannot save an entire planet so even if everyone in our class is blown away by this research and chooses to change their lifestyle in order to help the earth, it still won’t be enough to undo all the damage that has already been
The Earth is a dynamic, constantly changing environment in which the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere all interact. When one changes slightly the change is then felt through out the spheres. Humans need to understand that the change they cause can have a potential for a disastrous affect on the environment. From injecting the atmosphere with greenhouse gas, or deforestation, all the unnatural things done to the environment will have an unnatural affect that will have to be dealt with. We as humans have a moral responsibility to reduce global warming gasses by changing our modes of transportation, to stop deforestation, and increase government funding into research to inhibit global warming for
As human beings, you are difficult to distinguish between the unprecedented and the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, you are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future. It has never happened before, doesn’t mean it is not going to happen. Exceptions can kill you and this time climate change is one of those exceptions. It creates a growing danger for the ecosystem you are living in by damaging. Every day, facing to extinction due to the affection of environmental pollution. It led to many unpredictable consequences such as climate change, global warming, and dangerous diseases. Recent years mankind has always be threaten by natural calamity. It causes many disasters that can’t be imagined. They have to endure tremendous pain when it happens. They lost their family, what was more painful than that? Why these innocent people have to suffer this pain? Why it happened. And can it stop? The answer is yes. The only problem is raising people’s awareness of protecting environment. Hesitation can cause tragedy, take actions now. All the things that should be done to improve food, water, health, economic security, energy efficiency, even just a small action will help to limit and mitigate the anthropogenic component of climate change.
Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very existence of humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The environmental issues that are threatening all human and non-human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998).
Currently, geo-engineering has not been developed or tested to ensure its efficacy and safety. I know that this uncertainty can be lessened through predictions or computer-generated simulation. Despite these efforts, there will still be a percentage of uncertainty when it comes to the risk that future generations may face. Hence, developing and utilizing geo-engineering may have adverse effects in the future generations, which becomes an ethical issue. Subjecting the future generation to the unknown effects of carbon removal or aerosol dispersal in the atmosphere may cause more harm for we cannot 100% predict the future. Others may argue that geo-engineering may lead to the ensured survival of the future generations. They may live