
What Is Gun Control?

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Guns are something that America has had since the beginning. America also have a stereotype about us being gunaholics. Like it or not guns are a part of us, yet they can really have a negative impact. People wrongly use guns all the time in crimes such as murder and robbery. Not all people who own guns are crazy or going to use them harmfully so that’s were Gun Control is wrong in taking everyone’s guns. Guns, can be very dangerous, but can also be used for protection and are a right to those who can use them properly or with the right training. What is Gun Control? Well to quote the NY Times “It is a broad term that covers any sort of restriction on what kinds of firearms can be sold and bought, who can possess or sell them, where and how …show more content…

The people who use guns, are for guns, and have guns are actually not surprising. Most people who are against gun control are male, older, little college experience, Republican, live in rural areas, and are gun owners (Gun Rights Vs. Gun Control, 2016). These people are portrayed as the typical redneck. Rednecks are usually portrayed as gun bearing crazy white middleclass people who live in rural areas. Handguns are a type of gun that includes pistols, and any other gun that can be operated correctly with just your hands. These guns are commonly used in crimes and 19 types of semi-automatic handguns were even banned for 10 years (1994-2004). In 1990, 18,885 people died from guns in all, 13,030 of them being from handguns, that is almost seventy percent! With deaths in mind, the United States’ homicide rate is seven times that of Canada’s. That is a huge difference. How does America feel? Well most Americans are for stricter gun control and lengthier and more in depth background checks. In fact, eighty-five percent of Americans are for a stricter background check before the purchase of any gun. Some preventions that Americans think that should be added are a prohibition of any one with a one year or over sentence to their criminal record, unlawful users or anyone on controlled substances, anyone who has been admitted to a mental institute or has mental deficiencies, illegal addicts, dishonorable discharges, or a renounced us citizenship. These are just a few additions that Americans think should be added. (Identify Prohibited Persons,

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