
What Is Iago's Evil Plan

Satisfactory Essays

Iago has an evil plan that will bring Othello down. At first, He sets Cassio up because he wants Cassio loses his position. Iago lead Cassio drunk, and ask Roderigo to start fight with Cassio. After the fight, Cassio lost his reputation and reliability toward Othello. Then, Iago trying to plant a thought that Desdemona loves Cassio and tired of him into Othello’s mind. Which lead us his next step that Iago suggests Cassio to find Desdemona to help him plead to Othello. Iago wants to mislead Othello that Desdemona loves Cassio. Iago asks his wife to say good things about Cassio to Desdemona and he will make Othello see Cassio asks help from Desdemona. It will make Othello more angry. He will lose hopes toward to Cassio and Desdemona. He will

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