
What Is John Donne Essay

Decent Essays

John Donne (1573-1631) belongs to 17th century and Jacobean age. This was the age of reformation to restoration. It was an age rich in literary production. John Donne belongs to Roman Catholic family. John Donne born in the age of social unrest. John Donne known as metaphysical poet along with George Herbert, Rich Crashaw and Andrew Marvell. It was the age of political and social unrest. Johan Donne did not complete his degrees in oxford and Cambridge for religious reasons. He studies law at Lincoln’s inn.
Donne first set books named Satires, songs and sonnets in 1590 s. Donne married lady Eger ton’s niece Ann More. Most of his successors called Metaphysical poet by Samuel Johnson in 187. He is considered a master of conceits. Donne died in …show more content…

The tragedy is that we have adopted the bad rules and regulations. The youth of Pakistan just want to develop the sexual relation. They don’t care whether its write or wrong way that they chose. They just want to get rid of their responsibilities. They use the wrong way to satisfy their sexual aptitude but the females want to all these things in the circle of marriage. The morality of our society is just like the western society. We may say that these days the morality of western society is much more batter than our society. Our moral values are falling down day by day. The western people are now very sincere in their interaction with their beloved. However the people of our society are fake they just want more affairs because they are not sexually satisfied. John Donne poetry is exactly fit on our society. The young generation just wants to get all that they had not.
• John Donne poetry is also used for buttering and flatter the ladies
• “I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I did till we loved? Where we not wear’s till then? But suck’s on country pleasures childishly” (Reference: a good morrow text book love and divine

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