
What Is Key To Your Identity

Decent Essays

What is key to your identity and how is this addressed in your ped¬agogy? The key to my identity is a “follower of Jesus” (Purgason pg. 186). I address this title by actions. For example, there were times when Jesus boldly asked people to share the miracle he/she received, yet other times he would strictly ask those who were healed to say nothing. Therefore, there are times, when the situation leads to sharing about Jesus and other times when we should not. The perfect place not to share the gospel openly is in a public school or schools who have policies against religion discussion, nonetheless a teacher can answer faith questions, but not make it to the point where it becomes a discussion.
What dilemmas do you feel as you do (or fail to do) this? …show more content…

Researchers have raised concerns questioning-How much should a Christian teacher talk about his/her faith in a classroom. I have read and learned different opinions answering this question. My personal dilemmas also raises questions-how much can I say to answer a student question about my faith and when do I know my answer has answered his/her question without offending his belief (if different than mine) and when do I know when to stop giving information. These questions can make me fail as a follower of Christ and as a teacher if I do not consider them before teaching. I would like to be ready before, but does readiness even exist-can I actually be equipped to answer every question in order: time, concise and clear-probably not- what do you

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