
What Is No Impact Man Essay

Decent Essays

No Impact Man Essay No Impact Man was about a man who took his family on a year-long journey of reducing their environmental impact to nearly nothing. To do this he did five major things, he started eating locally, stopped producing carbon emissions, stopped polluting the air and water, limited his throw away waste, and stopped excessively consuming goods. No Impact Man started eating locally. He did this to stop contributing to over- exploitation of food resources. He ate food that only grew close to him, and he went to many of the places where his food was grown and looked at how they were farming. He also had a compost bin in his kitchen for food waste. I think we could all buy some of our food locally, going to the places it is grown may not be something everyone is interested in doing, but we can all support our local farmers market. I also don’t think it is feasible for everyone to have a compost bin, but we can be conscientious about our food waste, and try and reduce it. …show more content…

He started riding his bike or walking wherever he went. If it ways a long distance he would take mass transit, but limited how often he did this. He also took the stairs instead of the elevator, got rid of his TV and, eventually turned off his power completely. I think that everyone could walk or ride a bike more often, and take the stairs, this won’t only help the environment, it will help us become healthier. Getting rid of TV isn’t feasible for many people because it has been a part of the American home so long, it would be a huge change to get rid of it. Turning off your power completely isn’t feasible either, turning off a light when you aren’t in the room, or turning the TV off when you aren't watching it is feasible, but not having any electricity

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