
What Is Ole Bull's Influence In American Culture

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When Norway became independent in 1814, Danish influence was very prevalent. Norway did not have its own literature, music or arts. Copenhagen was the center of Scandinavian culture; Norway merely a country cousin. The violinist Ole Bull helped change this. From Egypt to Italy to the United States, he traveled throughout the world, giving concerts and carrying abroad pride for his native land. As Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson spoke at his grave in 1880: “Ole Bull became the first and the greatest festival in this people’s life: he gave us self-respect, the greatest gift possible at the time…”
In 1815, at the age of five, Ole Bull’s uncle gave him a little violin. He had already shown a love for music and singing and astonished his uncle by playing …show more content…

Despite promises to his father that he would concentrate on his studies, Ole found that music was more rewarding than studies. He performed with the Oslo orchestra and totally failed his examinations.
Ole left Norway to begin a serious study of music. After unfulfilling periods in Germany and Paris he went to Italy where he met with great success. The enthusiasm of the Italians inspired him and he returned to Paris, where he was invited to appear as a solo performer with the Paris Opera House – one of the most distinguished opera houses of the world. From there he toured Europe and also the United States.
Wherever he went, he brought with him an air of celebration. His playing was full of energy, charm, and emotion and he loved to astonish the audience with showy effects, moving his bow with lighting swiftness and playing all four strings at the same time. He was a great virtuoso and was said to be the equal of the legendary Italian violinist, Paganini. In addition to being a dazzling performer, he was also probably the best-looking man on any stage at that time. This, combined with a colorful personality and a strong sense of drama, made him a formidable performer and a very attractive and exciting

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