
What Is Oskar's Struggles In Extremely Loud Incredibly Close

Decent Essays

“Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close” is a compelling film that follows a child named Oskar who goes on an incredible expedition in search of the owner of a key he found in his father’s closet. The movie does a phenomenal job at displaying the turmoil an autistic child can go through, especially with the loss of a loved one. The movie also does a tremendous job at showing the characteristics associated with autism. Oskar goes through a great deal of personal struggle and pain throughout the course of the film. Oskar’s closest friend, his father, dies in 9/11 and Oskar struggles immensely to recoup from his loss. Oskar’s father was a phenomenal father who truly understood Oskar and did everything in his power to cater to Oskar’s needs. Temple …show more content…

He not only struggles socially in ways most children do not, but he has lost a parent, which is truly a horrible thing for a child to experience. In “Best Practices’: Learning to Live with Asperger’s,” an article that follows Kristen and David Finch, NPR interviews the couple to discuss David Finch’s discovery of his Asperger’s. In the interview, Kristen Finch says, “I knew that he didn’t love to go out; I knew that he didn’t love barbecues and things like that. But before the quiz that it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy it, it was that he found it very difficult to do these things” ("'Best Practices': Learning To Live With Asperger’s: NPR", 2012). I thought this was important to note because it wasn’t that Oskar simply didn’t enjoy things, such as swinging at the start of the film, but it was that he found them incredibly difficult to do. Oskar did not just avoid subways, bridges, and loud noises because he did not like them, but because he found them immensely difficult to deal with. In the article by NPR, it also notes that David Finch would put on “swim goggles and a bathing suit” just to give his children a bath ("'Best Practices': Learning To Live With Asperger’s: NPR", 2012). This is another great example that illustrates autistic behavior and further exemplifies that autistic people don’t just do weird things that are different just because, but rather as a means of combatting the fears they struggle with. Oskar is different than

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