
What Is Partial Least Square ( PLS ) Technique?

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Partial least square (PLS) technique is used to analyse systems of predictor and response variables. Also called as component based SEM or variance based SEM, it relates a set of independent variables to multiple dependent variables. PLS does not involve any assumptions about the population and can handle multicollinearity among the predictor variables. It is a suitable tool when there are more number of latent variable compared to the number of observations with less number of indicators.
Majority of the indicators of the constructs were generated from the literature.The measurement scale for the Is quality factors were adopted from the ELSS instrument developed by Wang et al (2007). Two indicators of system quality and one item for …show more content…

Next, the procedure for developing and validating the instrument is described. The data collection method is detailed subsequently and the chapter ends with the selection and suitability of analysis tools.
The learning process starts and ends with the learner. The knowledge, curriculum, content, pedagogy and outcomes are networked around the Leaner. E-learning has evolved as a system that provides learner-centric learning services. The future quality in developing future e-learning systems in the, the quality considerations should be directed towards the learners’ needs and circumstances (Ehlers 2004). Hence, this research focuses on learners as the unit of analysis.

A research paradigm is a set of beliefs about the knowledge on which the research is undertaken. A positivist paradigm is a belief that there is a reality, which can be measured and hence uses quantitative methods for measurement. The methodology could be an experimental or survey research. The steps followed in a positivist approach – Framing hypothesis, quantifying the variables, testing of hypothesis and drawing inferences.
PLS path modelling is extensively used in IS research (Marcoulides&Saunders 2006). PLS is often used by behavioral and communication researchers as it is capable of providing theoretical insights apart from the technical information (Lowry & Gaskin

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