
What Is Piaget Cognitive Development

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Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory is a progressive reorganization of mental processes resulted by biological development and environmental experience. This theory suggests distinct stages of growth, focusing on how children develop knowledge and the role that biology plays in that development. Children have to first understand the environment around them in order to experience the differences between what they already know and what they discover in their environment. There are two basic constituents to Piaget’s cognitive development theory: adaptation processes of using schema, and the stages of cognitive development. The first element of Piaget’s cognitive development involves three important processes: assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Assimilation …show more content…

This phase takes places on children of 2 – 7 years old. There are two phases in pre-operational stage, which are the pre-concept ional thought as well as the intuitive thought. Pre-concept ional come about around 2-4 years old whilst intuitive thought happens around 4 years old until the concrete operational period. At this moment, children can comprehend the environment through language and mental images. They begin acquiring language and refer objects using images and words. As a demonstration of what children can form between language, action and object, a child learn to symbolise the movement of a frog by sticking his arms at the back and jumping around. They have almost grasped their mother tongue and are able to make sentences. However, children in this phase are incapable to make inductive and deductive reasoning; their mentality is irreversible. Pre-operational children are quite egocentric. They find it difficult to understand the condition from a different perspective. This statement is proven when children in this phase are tested the Three-Mountain task, where they can only view images in their own

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