Love can be described as many things, like the feeling you get in your stomach when you see the person you like or even opening the fridge to see that your mom went food shopping, the possibilities are endless but there's one thing for sure, that Romeo and Juliet were not truly in love. The article “Star-Crossed Something-or-Others” by Eric Lamay disagreed with my point. The college professor thinks that Romeo and Juliet’s love was true even though there was “more play than work involved.” I do not believe that Romeo and Juliet’s love was true because true love is built overtime and requires responsibilities, they were only fixated on each other's appearances, and they were both trying to escape from something they hoped to never face. True …show more content…
“The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities.” ( Otherwise known as what Romeo and Juliet used to get their way. Juliet wanted out of a dreadful marriage with a random County Paris and Romeo wanted to forget about “the one who got away” Rosaline. Romeo is heartbroken when he finds out that Rosaline will forever be a virgin and won’t want to marry him as told when he says “Out of her favor, where I am in love.”(Shakespeare [1.1.168]). But Romeo promises to fight for Rosline and always love her when he states “Where I may read who passed that passing fair? Farewell. Thou canst not teach me to forget.”(Shakespeare [1.1.228]). Unfortunately for Rosline, young Romeo forgets about her within seconds as he stares into Juliet's eyes at the Capulet's party, as seen when Romeo says “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.”(Shakespeare []). Juliet has always been opposed to marriage as “It is an honor I dream not of.” (Shakespeare [1.3.68]). And when Juliet found out she had to marry Paris she freaked. But what if she got an idea to marry Romeo,who was just banished. She wouldn’t be forced to marry the County, but since Romeo was banished she would barely have to meet up with him, so she would get her way which is what every thirteen year old girl
The characters in Romeo and Juliet have very different opinions of what love is. Firstly, Romeo has the initial view of love as being ‘too rough, too rude and too boisterous’, to which Mercutio replies ‘if love be rough with you, be rough with love’. This purports
Romeo’s misinterpretation of what love is shows a lot in this play. He attends the Capulet’s party just so that he could see Rosaline not to see Juliet. Romeo, being so young, automatically falls in love with Juliet. In act 1, scene 5, and page 394, Romeo states, “Then move not while my prayer’s effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged. Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.’’Romeo doesn't even know a detail about Juliet and is already kissing her and saying that he loves Juliet. Also in act 2, scene 2, page
Allowing to see if based on what I read in Romeo & Juliet, are they really in love. The tragic Romance of Romeo and Juliet is to believe by the examples of love or trust. To ask yourself, “Are Romeo and juliet really in love?” But do you guys notice that shakespeare asks “Was there ever a more tragic love than of this Romeo and Juliet?” I ask myself, “Are Romeo and Juliet really in love?” If they were to be in love, this question would not have been answered. But they don't have any real love between but that short term passion.
“An intense feeling of deep attraction.” That is the definition of love. Love between a man and a dog, a kid and ice-cream, a mother and her family, and love between two selfless people. This is true love. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, the feeling of attraction between the two main characters is not true love. The setting of this play is the streets of Verona, Italy, during a time when arranged marriages at the age of 14 were socially acceptable. Two young teens, Romeo and Juliet, were convinced that they had feelings for each other, but acted more out of lust than anything else. Lust is defined as “a very strong sexual desire”, and it becomes more apparent as the
So with this in mind, here is why the “love” between Romeo and Juliet was unrealistic. The time you spend getting to know someone is crucial in a solid relationship. How can someone say they love a person when they don’t know who they are? Romeo and Juliet didn’t know each other at all, they jumped straight into the romance and the physical aspect of the relationship but didn’t spend any time at all developing a friendship. A successful relationship can not build its foundation upon physicality alone and the only thing either of them seemed concerned with was physical touch.
The play Romeo and Juliet has been considered to be the most touching love story of all time, but when you look closer and past all the initial “fantasies”, you see the truth. Romeo and Juliet believed that they were in love because of the mere idea of it, however based on their actions and the short amount of time that the stages of their “love” progressed in, it soon became clear that what they were actually feeling was infatuation.
Romeo and Juliet are not in real legit love to me. The two of them are immature teens with heightened emotions and little to no knowledge on the concept of love. But first the reason Romeo and Juliet aren’t really in love, is because they’re both searching escapism. Romeo isn’t in love with Juliet, because he is still in love with Rosaline, and trying to get over her. Minutes before meeting Juliet, Romeo was stressing over Rosaline’s unrequited love.
Was Romeo and Juliet's love true love? Romeo and Juliet is a story by William Shakespeare that is about a couple who meets and believe they have fallen in love. Romeo and Juliet’s love was not true love because they had just met and true love takes time. They were not in love because it was rushed and romeo was still in love with Rosaline. Thirteen years old is when they got married and that is not old enough to get married even if they are truly in love.
Romeo and Juliet can’t possibly be in love. They had known each other only a day before they decided that they loved each other so much they wanted to be married. Love is not something that can be rushed and found in five minutes. Romeo said he loved Rosaline but after he saw Juliet he forgot all about her; because of Juliet’s immense beauty. Romeo and Juliet are lusting after each other. They only love each other’s physical appearance. Whenever they talk about why they love each other it is only about physical beauty. They never do anything that doesn’t involve an attraction to the other’s appearance. After only knowing each other for a couple of minutes they are kissing. They never have heart-to-heart talks about life or what they want
From the moment we first hear about Romeo, it is in the context of his suffering at the hands of love. Romeo’s father, Montague, perplexed by his son’s behavior states that, “Many a morning hath he there been seen, / With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew, / Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs” (1.1.124-26). While this may be the first time we encounter Romeo’s melancholy humour, it certainly isn’t the last. In fact, one of the primary sources of our infatuation with Romeo rests in our sympathy for him. From the very start this poor boy is plagued by affections for girls that fate, it seems, will not let him be with. At first, it’s Rosaline, a girl who has “sworn that she will still live chaste” (1.1.210), a vow that sets Romeo reeling and complaining because “from love’s weak childish bow she lives unharmed” (1.1.204). His depression over Rosaline is enough to draw the attention of his father, Montague, who has observed that Romeo shuts himself up in his room all day in order to wallow in the darkness. These are the actions of someone who is undeniably quite
Romeo’s love for Juliet is true love because he risked his life over and over to see/be with Juliet, he would throw everything away for her, ignoring his life as a Montague, and he even died for her. First, in “Romeo and Juliet” Romeo’s love
This scene is so famous because it conveys the idea that true love exists. Romeo and Juliet claim that they love each other, which resonates with people because it triggers with the basic human instinct to connect to love, regardless of their own personal definition. This scene continues to be popular because people love to identify the best possible outcome. In this case, people want to see that Romeo and Juliet have an amazing love, and can’t be together because of their families, but in reality, it’s their poor decisions that make their perceptual love disabled. Those who aren’t even familiar with the play know this scene and therefore think that Romeo and Juliet have a real, pure love. This idea gives the idea that everything will work
The story of Romeo and Juliet is one of love and terrible tragedy. Many people have argued if it was actually love that they were experiencing, or if it was just a physical attraction. The article, “Love At First Sight“ by Elizabeth Bernstein, provides facts that prove Romeo and Juliet were not in love, but experiencing strong infatuation with each other.
As is true for most things in life, true love comes in many shapes and sizes. Love does not always present itself in the same way, and it can be found in unexpected places. This is the case in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet come from feuding families. Juliet is from the Capulet family, whereas Romeo is a Montague. Romeo and Juliet should be enemies, but they end up falling in love. However, not all love is true love. True love occurs when each party is accepting of the other no matter what, they are deeply affected by the other’s emotions, and each person cannot imagine their life without the other person. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship represents true love because they accept each other through everything, their emotions deeply affect the other, and once they meet they cannot imagine their lives apart from each other.
Love is a happy and strong emotion and it isn’t something that can fade away easily when it’s true. There are many people who aren’t loved or can’t find someone to love. When some people finally find someone they can love they cherish that person and will do anything and everything to be with them. There are different types of love, such as falling in love, a parent’s love for their child, or loving your friends and family. Although love is something positive it can cause many terrible things. In the play, Romeo & Juliet, the love connection between Romeo and Juliet, and the love for them cause many deaths throughout the play.