
What Is Seth's Purpose To The Seeker

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Seth’s stated purpose to the seeker is to provide “a means by which people can understand themselves better, reevaluate their reality and change it.” (The Seth Material. Page x) Seth talks about our thought process and its importance: And if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well and will treat you kindly, they will. And if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And if you believe, if you believe that you will begin to deteriorate at 22, then so you shall. And if you believe that you are poor and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you. Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience. (The Seth Audio Collection. Cassette One. Selection 1 – Excerpt A.) Seth also talks of our God-connection: …show more content…

Therefore you have a right to abundance as the flower has to the sun. In human terms there are many kinds of abundance and they are all yours. …And you have to realize that your experience begins from within. And your joyful thoughts bring joy, and your abundant thoughts bring abundance and thoughts of limitation ring limitation. (The Seth Audio Collection. Cassette One. Selection 3 – Excerpt E) Seth talks of our circumstances: The personality is multidimensional. The individual is basically free of space and time. The fate of each of us is in our own hands. Problems not faced in this life will be faced in another. We cannot blame God, society, or our parents for misfortunes, since before this physical life we chose the circumstances into which we would be born and the challenges that could best bring about our development….(pages 2, 3 and 4 The Seth Material

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