
What Is The Clinic's Current Weekly Workload

Satisfactory Essays

1. What is the clinic’s current weekly workload?

The weekly workload is 2415 minutes, or 40.25 hours

2. Should the clinic hire more surgeons, and if so, how many?

Per week each surgeon should work 1200 minutes a week, a combined 2400 minutes, to have a 10% safety capacity, meaning that the two surgeons are really only going 15 minutes above the recommended time. If each surgeon works 1200 minutes a week that means there should be about two hours per surgeon for a safety capacity. The total available hours per surgeon with the safety capacity in effect is 1080 minutes per week, or 2160 minutes between them. So if the demand for the clinic is 2415 minutes, and each surgeon with the 10% safety capacity can work 1080 minutes per week, then the …show more content…

If they were to do this it would result in 177 minutes extra time in which they could perform one extra surgery that lasts 180 minutes, or they can do smaller surgeries that add up to 180 minutes. While this alternative does add the necessary time, it would push back patient after care and have the clinic stay open an hour later. To avoid this they could hire on a third doctor(not surgeon) to take care of the patients during this time. Other alternatives would be to schedule fewer surgeries. If the doctors don’t want to hire an extra surgeon they can work to full capacity and take out one Achilles tendon surgery, which removes fifty minutes from their work week, but also lowers the safety capacity, which is less than optimal. If the doctors don’t hire on another surgeon, to keep the 10% safety capacity they would have to remove 255 minutes of surgeries, which could be one rotator cuff(90 minutes) and two ACL ligament repairs(160 minutes) giving us a total of 250 minutes, which would be just under the 10% safety capacity.

4. What are your final recommendations? Explain your reasoning.

Unfortunately this case study doesn’t give us how much an extra doctor would cost versus how much an extra surgeon would cost, but if we take the average amount that a general practice surgeon makes in the southwest region($285,000/yr, $23,750/m)

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