
What Is The Elements Of Silver ( Ag?

Decent Essays

Silver (Ag) is in group 11 of the periodic table. Its 47 electrons are arranged in the configuration [Kr] 4d10 5s1, One of the few groups in the d-block is group 11 which has a completely consistent set of electron configurations.[5] silver nanoparticles can have optical absorption (absorption spectra) properties with an absorption peak in the visible region. However, in the noble metal nanoparticles, this absorption come from the excitation of the collective modes of motion of the electron cloud (plasmon excitation) at the particle surface (not derive from transitions between quantized energy states) under the influence of an electrical field. At a certain frequency of incident light this resonance takes place and results in an …show more content…

Different metals produce different light-interactions and therefore colours. The two mechanisms (scattering and absorption) are responsible for occurring the extinction of light by metal nanoparticles, but absorption is by far the dominant factor for small size nanoparticles (25 nm for gold)
1.3 Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites
The metals of nanoscopic range doping into dielectric matrices represents a solution to manipulation and stabilization problems. For functional applications of nanoparticles, polymers are interesting as an embedding phase since they may have electrical and thermal insulator or conductor and a variety of properties. They can be mechanically hard (plastic), or soft (rubbery) and may have a hydrophobic or hydrophilic nature. Finally, polymer doping with the metal nanoparticles is the easiest and most convenient way for stabilization and handling the nanostructured metals[5]. This has fuelled investigation into the preparation of metal-polymer nanocomposites.
The thin polymer films or powders are the most commonly form which these composites take them, as this is normally the simplest structure to prepare, and also good for exploiting the desired properties. In general, the techniques of preparation can be classified into two as ex-situ and in-situ methods[5]. In the ex-situ process, at first the metal nanoparticles are synthesized, and their

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