
What Is The Guest-Host Relationship In The Odyssey

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1. Look closely at the guest/host relationship. Describe three points in the story where you see this dynamic and the significance/outcome of these three situations. What do these scenes reveal about Greek life and the importance of the hospitality code? In the Odyssey by Homer guest/host relationship is very significant in the story. Homer uses guest/host relationship as a means of measuring good hospitality against bad hospitality. In this poem there are various themes outlined but the one that stands out the most to me is the custom of Greek hospitality or xenia. This kind of hospitality was exclusive and it played a major role in ancient Greek society. Because of the people’s fear of the gods it made them treat their guest with the highest honor and respect. Throughout this poem we can clearly see hospitality of ancient Greek being exemplified first between Telemachus and Athena in book one. Athena appears at Odysseus house disguise as Mentes a friend of the family. …show more content…

The bed and tree is also significant to the loyalty of both Odysseus and Penelope to each other. The bed is not only a part of the plot in this poem, but it also serves as a sign of their long lasting love and relationship. It also shows the strength of their relationship which has survived a separation between them for twenty years. The bed also represents the impartiality between a husband and wife. Odysseus has test Penelope on many occasions before he can really believe that she has remained faithful to him and that she did not encourage or accept any of the suitors who called on her. Penelope also lets Odysseus see her as his equal, she does not just take his word that he is who he say he is. Instead she test him as well and will continue to do so until she finally accepts

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