
What Is The Injustice In The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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Slave and Citizen: The Life of Frederick Douglass by Nathan Irvin Huggins simultaneously breaks readers’ hearts while educating them. The unjust hardships that Frederick Douglass and African Americans like him experienced are beyond unfortunate and Americans today ought to have gratitude for men like Douglass who were proactive in abolishing slavery and fighting against racism. Americans today now have the fought for privileged to live in a time where racism is generally deemed unacceptable in our country, and are forever indebted to the men and women who had a vision and relentlessly fought for it.
It would be inappropriate to sugar coat how slaves were treated during Douglass's lifetime. It would be doing them an injustice to make it seem as if they were treated better than they were. The treatment slaves had to involuntarily endure …show more content…

A man who was a father figure to him named Lawson taught him that the only way he could receive freedom was to rely on God. Once Douglass attempted to escape with five others by using his ability to write to forge passes to get on a boat. Unfortunately, he did not get his freedom this time. His soon-to-be wife Anna, who was born into freedom, encouraged and urged him to escape, but he ended up victoriously escaping! He and Anna started a new life together and that was when Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey became Frederick Douglass. He wanted to make it harder for his legal master to track him down and take him back to the miserable life of slavery. Douglass legally became free at the age of about 30 when his freedom was officially bought for approximately $700 US dollars from Hugh Auld. This was controversial among his peers; for some felt as if this went against the rights that Douglass was fighting for in the first

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