
What Is The Love Of My Life?

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Just imagine, the sweat on your brow. A layer of mud on your cleats. Out in the middle of the field. Just you, the ball, and an empty goal. Out of all the places in the world, I feel best on the field. Running, scoring, beating everyone to the ball. Hearing the crowd cheer when I scored meant the entire world to me, I couldn’t picture myself anywhere else but on the field. When I was six years old I started playing soccer for Paul Klover, I was the youngest on the team less experienced, you know just there to have fun. It didn’t take but the first game for me to realize I found the absolute love of my life. I was running, and scoring and just smiling away having a blast. I played for two years for Paul Klover, and when I was eight I joined a team called Sedalia Futbol Chicks that’s where I met my best-friends. We all played together up until we turned 11 and some went to the older team, and some didn’t. Which made certain friendships rocky and when the girls who moved up, came back to play with the other girls you can imagine the awkwardness. But I never let that effect how I performed on the field. Going from season to season both teams would always dominate, either winning second in the division or placing first never was anything other than first or second. All any of us worried about was soccer, and the game. But, then we started junior high and everything changed. Our friend groups changed, our bodies, how serious we took school, even how we acted at practice

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