
What Is The Pursuit Of Perfection In The Birthmark

Decent Essays

Making the Connection #6 Is there such a thing as perfection? Many people believe so and attempt to pursue it. For some, it is there downfall and for others it leads to success. Billionaires in today’s society are where they are because of the pursuit of perfection. Few poor people are struggling because they have spent the majority of their life pursuing perfection. In the stories The Birthmark, Essays. Mirrors, and To Hell with Inner Beauty depict the dangers of pursuing perfection. In the story, The Birthmark the pursuit of perfection defined the entire story. Aylmer let his wife’s birthmark define their whole marriage. Everyone who was not Aylmer complimented his wife but her husband always thought otherwise. It got so bad to the point where Aylmer began to try to fix her with science. His wife only wanted to be loved so she agreed because she trusted him. When he finally made the right potion it removed her birthmark, but he then learned that was her only imperfection so she died. Aylmer’s obsession with her perfection eventually led to her death. …show more content…

Cancer changed Sally’s whole life and made her believe less of herself. She was bullied the majority of her childhood and never had any self-confidence. Sally went through many stages of bullying in her life from private school girls to men making fun of her. Sally’s want to be perfect kept her from accepting her own beauty even though she was beautiful to the people that knew her for more than her looks. Sally let cancer from a young age define her whole life, and perfection is the reason she is not complacent with

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