
What Is The Relationship Between Parental Involvement And The Acquisition Of Literacy?

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Public schools have discerned the relationship between parental involvement and the acquisition of literacy and the necessity of supporting parents in their roles. This is evident by the various literacy based programs which incorporate parents that have been initiated. Schools have implemented English as a Second Language Family Night (Teaching English, Building Community, 2012), Madre a Madre Parent Programs (Mitchell, 2016), Parent Partnership for Achieving Literacy Program (PALS) (Colombo, 2006), Global Book Hour (Truesdell & del Prado Hill, 2015), and Home Literacy Bags (Barbour, 1998; Downing & Grande, 2004; Huang, 2013). While there are a wide variety of programs that focus on fostering school-home connections in an effort to …show more content…

Barbour also noted that parents who were rarely active in school-sponsored events, were involved and participated in the Home Literacy Bags. Further, parents who had little time recognized the importance for setting aside time for literacy related activities (Barbour, 1998).
Effective Communication. Huang (2013) noted that since the Home Literacy Bags came with step by step instructions, the parents were able to engage in effective literacy instruction which fostered their child’s literacy. Additionally, Huang noted that typically, the parents expected their children to make little no to mistakes in their speaking and reading. However, through these activities they were able to learn more about the literacy strategies and focus more on the exploration of the activities. Downing & Grande (2004) found that the bags were used to make parents better aware of the standards related to each activity and provide additional strategies for them to use.
Promoted learning. Another common theme throughout the literature is the promotion of learning. Through the Home Literacy Bags, both students and parents had fun completing the activities and reading the texts. Barbour (1998) listed some of the reactions from the parents. One thrilled parent commented, “Sharing the books in the bags became a family affair- siblings, grandparents, and other family members began taking an interest (p. 3).” Downing & Grande (2004)

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