
What Is The Satire Of Huckleberry Finn

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Taking it place in the first years of the 1800s, the book was actually written in the late 1800s, the last quarter of the nineteenth century. During this time, great prosperity emerged in the America, this was a time of wealth to many people as they were becoming richer and richer; however, “hundreds of others sank into monotonous, dangerous jobs for miserable wages” (Moss and Wilson, 4). The inequalities that Twain eventually realized inspired him to coauthored the book Gilded Age. The work peels off the “gilded coat” of the late 1800s to show the real society, the poor people, and the rich-quick people. “Gilded Age” is an example of Twain’s genre satire on the society, the people and the ideas they fostered (Moss and Wilson 4). The Victorian culture at that time was also spreading to America, setting the standards of behaviors, peaking, acting, and writing.

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