
What Is The Similarities Between Brunelleschi And Brunelleschi

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Brunelleschi and Bernini represent two artists from two different eras that impacted Italy’s art and architecture. Brunelleschi was born under the name of Filippo di ser Brunellesco do Lippo Lapi during 1377 in Florence, Italy (“Filippo Brunelleschi”). Brunelleschi came from a middle class family, being that his father was a notary. While growing up, Brunelleschi received a formal education by taking math and literature courses; however, he always was drawn towards the arts and soon enrolled into an art school. The art school that he enrolled at was a silk merchant’s guild (PBS). During his schooling, Brunelleschi learned many techniques such as engraving, embossing, and mounting (PBS). In addition to the goldsmith training, he studied the …show more content…

For example, Bernini recreated Michelangelo’s David to have more tension and dynamism in his figure. Another theatrical and detailed sculpture would be Bernini’s Piazza Navona fountain, the Fountain of the Four Rivers. At the center of the Fountain contains the Egyptian layer of the obelisk that was ordered to be placed in the middle by the Pope Innocent X’s (Pamphil)i family. Moreover, the obelisk with the Christian symbol represents the church’s power and authority. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is dedicated to the four rivers the Danube, Nile, Ganges, and the Rio de la Plata. The Danube River represents the river closest to the papal city through the figure touching Pope’s personal coat of arms. The Nile River is represented by a figure covering its face, which represents that no one knew where the source was from. The Ganges figure is holding an oar that represents the river’s navigability. Lastly, the Rio de la Plata is sitting on gold, which symbolizes the America’s possibilities for wealth for Europe. In addition, the la Plata figure is fearful of a snake, which represents the fear that the money could be stolen. It is rumored that Bernini put the la Plata figure in front of his rival’s (Borromini) church, Sant’ Agnese due to being fearful of his rival. Moreover, this work represents the baroque style by being very theatrical and making the viewer walk around the entire statue. This work symbolized the epitome of drama and theatrical style during the baroque era, which can be seen throughout

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