
What Is The Theme Of This Blessed House

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building, laughing and gossiping and slicing fifty kilos of vegetables through the night.”(IM155)
Mrs. Sen does not know to drive but which is very important in the United States. She spends her whole time to doing her household work and care taking for an American boy Eliot. She always bought fresh fish form cooking which a part of their breakfast. She depends on her husband for shopping and marketing. But, at one time she drives a car out of her husband’s compulsion while and she finally she met with an accident. During that incident Eliot’s mother do not allowed to Mrs. Sen into the house.
This Blessed House is a third person narrative story from the protagonist point of view which is about the newly married Indian couple, Sanjeev and Twinkle …show more content…

Through the portrayal of a hysterical character, apart from highlighting the atrocious attitude of Indian society, Lahiri seems to emphasize the role of sex in the healing of physical deformity and mental retardation. Bibi Halter is a protagonist of the story who suffered from a baffling disease. Although a long period of period of suffering, humiliation and indifferent attitude of the relatives has emancipated a Bibi Halter physically and mentally, the fire of sexuality burns as intensely in her as in any normal human being: “Each day she unloaded her countless privations upon us, until it became unendurably apparent that Bibi wanted a man.” …show more content…

Sex as clinical purgation and sex as social stigma again raise the conflict between sex and culture, and they need to be distanced if the former is meant to be used clinically. We cannot apply traditional moral values in the assessment of the sexuality of Bibi Halder.
The Third and Final Continent is the final story of the nine compilations of short stories. This reflects the life of Lahiri’s father and mother. In which, she talk about the immigrant experience and alienation of the librarian that revolves around in London and Boston according to the different taste of the reader. This tells about the Bengali gentleman moved to London and finally settled in Boston where he begins loving his wife after a hundred year old lady certifies her as perfect.
He adapts to the ways and cultures of three different continents. In America he got very struggle to get a job and finally he joins in Dewey Library of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. He travelled alone to three different types of continents to make his fortune. “still, there are times I am bewildered by each mile I travelled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have known, each room in which I slept.”(

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