
What Is The Theme Of Time In The Lovely Bones

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The fragmented narration of the events inside the film adaptation of Alice Sebold's book The Lovely Bones suggests that time has gone out of sync; yet, this is exactly what helps giving the story a satisfying kind of closure. Being narrated from two different worlds, the story line weaves back and forth from the day the tragedy occurred to the Salmon house. Throughout the tale, the theme of time brings a major significance to the sequence of events. Being some sort of a ghost, Susie, the victim, generates anxiety about the time in which events unfold, causing the reader to suspect the distinction between what seems and what is. This short paper will examine the significance of the ghostly appearance in the film and how a manipulation of time may contribute to the seeking of the truth, which in this case is detecting Susie's murderer. "My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name: Susie. I was 14 years old, when I was murdered, on December 6, 1973." The story is told by a suburban young girl called Susie who has been viciously murdered by her neighbor. The citation mentioned above is from the very beginning of the film: Susie is narrating from her after life; she is no longer a living soul, but she is still tied to earth. Therefore, one could think of her as a ghost. By being able to tell her story even after …show more content…

That is what it felt like. Life was leaving me. But I was not afraid." Susie narrates how she suddenly stopped being a wandering ghost on earth, to become alive in her own perfect world. This place is described by Susie in the film: "This place is not really one place, and it is also not the 'other' place … it is a bit of both." One can see that this place was the in-between place where Susie would watch over her family. In Susie's own time, everything that happens on earth is interminably near as it is interminably far; her comprehension of time extends once she is in the in-between; she observes each one in their own particular

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