
What Is Your Identity Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When I was a little girl, I was taught to wear only feminine clothing such as dresses, skirts, etc. From that point on, that’s all I’ve known. This is because it is socially and culturally accepted when females only wear feminine clothing.
Clothes display and shape identity, and they also hide sexual differences/ private areas. What I wear not only shows if I am male or female, but it also helps me express myself. I have been a “girly girl” my whole life. I like to wear dresses and skirts that are very bright in color. The clothes that I wear show people the type of person I am.
I invest a lot of time on my appearance, such as personal hygiene and cosmetics. Yes, I love clothes, accessories, etc., but I mainly focus on good hygiene and make-up …show more content…

The way you dress and present yourself says a lot about who you are as person. For instance, a woman that has their hair done, a tightly fitted outfit, clean skin, and a face with a little bit of make-up, is going to be treated a lot differently than a women that has loose fitting clothes, messy hair, and dirty skin. A woman that is well kept is more likely to be taken seriously, or hired for a job; compared to a woman that is not. 2.) After reading this article, there are some things that I agree with and some things that I don’t. The author Rebecca Johnson talks about how some people were against thin women, especially the thin fashion models.
Back then, being extremely skinny was definitely in, but it also caused conflict between various cultures. The author didn’t understand why skinniness made people so mad. In her beliefs, anorexia is something that is passed down through generations. However, I think she forgot to mention that there are just as many studies that have shown that anorexia and eating disorders can also be learned. I agree that people should not disrespect or discriminate thin women, and should accept all types of body figures. Everyone in this world has his or her own body type, and

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