
What It Means To Be Australian Essay

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Australia, the best country in the world. From our wonderful exotic beaches down to our friendly and loving true blue community, it has definitely become a hotspot for foreign travellers but is also home to some very wonderful people and amazing sites and historic areas which if ever visited can definitely make you feel closer to our amazing country. But what does it actually mean to be Australian?

Being Australian is more than just living in our country, it’s an honour. Many people don’t get the privileges and chances most Aussie’s are given so we take those opportunities and we make something out of them. I’m sure many of you guys here lit up when you watched the Socceroos have an outstanding performance in the world cup that no one believed …show more content…

From what we’ve read in the Secret River it gives us a picture of what Australia was like when it was first colonised. It shows us how they were very dark and rough to their people, they weren't afraid to be violent and aggressive towards the lower class people because of their social hierarchy. Due to their position, some people were given total freedom while others had to slave away everyday just to stay alive. This was never the real Australia, Australia is meant to be a free and fair country where people aren't labeled or judged by what suburb they live in, what they wear or where they work. Australia is a country of equality and freedom we do not judge we accept.Being Australian will stick with you forever, it doesn’t matter if your half way across the world you will always have a place back home in Australia. For me Australia is the feeling of being home and always belonging, from

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