
What Led Up To The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence

There were many tension building events that led up to the Revolutionary War, and some influenced the way the colonies acted more than the other colonies. The colonies fought Great Britain on their approach on things and the policies got stricter. Great Britain would acknowledge the policies for twelve years.The British empire now was fixing their quality of the thirteen colonies and that they were gaining across the Atlantic. Once the quality of the thirteen colonies improved they appeared to be the strongest nation not in Europe, but across the world. To form cash off of their new territory, taxes and tariffs were obligated on the colonies.
Proclamation Line of 1763
After finishing with the French and Indian War, the colonists were happy when the Proclamation of 1763 closed off the to the colonists so it was not …show more content…

This was primarily done to agree with the Native Americans and to comfort their fears of the enlargement in the west. The King of England and his people were required to this proclamation for the reason of that the French had already turned the Natives against the French and Indian War, and Great Britain didn't want any problems with the colonies. The colonists thought that Great Britain shouldn't allow them to have rule over all land gained from the war, so they placed the Proclamation of 1763 to keep the colonies from being out it control. This was not agreed in this case and the miscommunication is wherever the colonies and Great Britain began to become unstable, and the colonies wished to expand so that Great Britain was keeping them to the Atlantic for reassurance.
Stamp Act of 1765
The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed the colonists and needed them to pay a tax on any piece of printed paper that was used. All the money

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