
What Lips My Lips Have Kissed Meaning

Decent Essays

Some people have a different meaning when it comes to love poems. The poem, “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed” is about a woman who wants to experience different types of love. This poem is expressing how someone wants to experience different types of love given to her. The poem, “I carry your heart with me” is about someone who doesn’t know how to describe a love she has for their beloved. The speaker doesn’t know how to express her feelings to the one she loves. She expressed her true deep feelings about the person she love. The poems are closely related, it's about someone who wants to be loved but can’t be. She doesn’t know how to describe her feelings towards her loved one. Someone who doesn’t take love seriously doesn’t know what she has …show more content…

Vincent Millay became known for her poem, “Renascence” that she entered in a poetry contest. In 1923, she won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. One of the poems that helped her win the Pulitzer Prize was “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed,” written in 1922. She was 31 years old when she won the Pulitzer Prize. Some of her poems, like Shakespeare's, were sonnets. “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed” was a poem in the form of a Petrarchan sonnet. Millay had many lovers and she wrote about them without saying who they are. She didn't want them to know who she was talking about in her poems.
Cummings was an artist, playwright, a poet, and author. His poem, “i carry your heart with me,” was published in 1952. He was known for the unusual forms he wrote in his poems. He used unorthodox spacing, punctuation, grammar, and pacing. Most of his poems were focused on nature, sexuality, and love in both a sensual and spiritual way. His poem, “i carry your heart with me…” is a about deep, profound love that keeps the stars apart. Some people find the poem to be like a love song that is sang at a …show more content…

“Here is the deepest secret nobody knows / here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud / and the sky of the sky of a tree called life” (line 10-12). This quote is saying how some emotions can be deep and you don’t know how someone will feel about it, if you told them. I think that it means when you have something special with someone, it can be a type of love that you always wanted. “And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant / and whatever a sun will always sing is you” (line 8-9). This illustrates how someone feels when they’re in love with the person they been with. It also illustrates the feeling someone gets when they see their significant other. When they see the person they love, they get this feeling where they’re so happy and full of joy. It brightens up their mood. “...anywhere / I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done / by only me is your doing, my darling” (line 2-4). This means that the mistakes the person makes, they share a deep connection with each other. This means that if someone made a mistake, their significant other would forgive them. They wouldn’t let the mistakes the person made affect the deep relationship that they

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