
What Makes A Good Design?

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Two, sometimes it is said, is better. Because you know each other perfectly, because the dialogue is tighter, because you can argue but also find a solution and the work is seen from different perspectives. “Collaboration — as they said — is trust in the other person”. Massimo Vignelli with his wife Lella at his side, seems to prove exactly that, they were complementary to each other. A life together dedicated to the design. In more than forty years of career between Italy and New York, they have shaped the vision of worldwide design, influencing with their style, generations of designers from the past to the present day. Their strength has been to create things timeless. A good design lasts in time. A design that lasts is a good design. There is nothing to do, it is so. Like a dream of immortality. And that 's why you have to always design considering the future, trying to figure out what will become what you are planning. For example in the case of creation of a logo. Never design a logo that follows the current fashion, but rather try to do something that will be fine between 2, 10 or 30 years. Famous example in this regard, is the American Airlines logo that remained unchanged for more than 40 years thanks to its timeless quality or even up to interior design of the Saint Peter 's Church, that the author himself considered one of his better and lasting creations, he said “God is in every details” were all the objects are multifunctional: steps became chair, the altar,

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