
What Reputation Did The Assyrians Have As Conquerors?

Satisfactory Essays

Required Reading: Mesopotamia:

1. What is Mesopotamia? Why was it so named, and which modern countries are included in the region?

The world’s earliest civilization developed in an ancient region called Mesopotamia. Iraq, eastern Syria, and southeastern Turkey are modern countries included in the region. The name Mesopotamia comes from a Greek word that means between rivers. Since the heart of the region was the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, its name is Mesopotamia.

2. When were the first cities founded? When was writing invented? Which group is credited with these accomplishments?

About 3500 B.C., the first cities were built in Mesopotamia. The first system of writing was invented about 3300 B.C. Sumerian is credited with these accomplishments.

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What were the most important Assyrian cities?

The most important Assyrian cities were Assur, Nineveh, and Kalhu.

13. Which two writings systems were used by the Assyrians?

Assyrians used cuneiform script and aramaic script.

14. What reputation did the Assyrians have as conquerors?

They were called the Romans of Asia.

Required Reading: Ancient Persia:
Read the following subsections: Persia, Ancient, through and including The Achaemenid Empire.

15. Who established the Achaemenid Empire?

The Achaemenid Empire was a Persian empire.

16. Who was Darius I and what did he do?

Darius I became king in 552 B.C. He expanded Achaemenid Empire into southeastern Europe. He regulated taxation, introduced gold and silver coins, reorganized the government. The empire was divided into provinces called satrapies. The provinces were ruled by satraps.

17. What peoples were the Persians attempting to conquer during the Persian Wars? Were the Persians successful?

The Persians were attempting to conquer Greeks. They were unsuccessful in both attempts.

18. Who conquered Persia and ended the Achaemenid Empire?

Alexander the Great conquered Persia and ended the Achaemenid

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