
What Role Did Europeans Play In The American Revolution

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Tension has spewed between the American colonies and the British due to the government of Britain's attempt to raise income by taxing the colonies, resulting in heated protest from the Patriots. The Patriots and British were in a feud over unequal rights, and the lack of being represented in congress. A document was created for Americans to declare their independence from the British, which was called the Declaration of Independence. Despite the Declaration of Independence stating that ‘’all men are created equal’’ that excluded women, African Americans, and Europeans who all helped in the victory of the American Revolution. Women, African Americans, and Europeans all played a significant role in helping the Americans win the American Revolution.
A majority of women played a colossal role in the American Revolution from taking charge of a situation to taking over jobs that males performed. While women were …show more content…

The French contributed gunpowder, attire, and canons to Colonists. Eventually, the French officially joined the United States and helped repel the British along the American coast. The Spanish also provided the colonies with supplies and attacked British troops in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi in 1779. ("American Revolution." For Kids: Allies (The French). N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.) Europeans also brought ‘’professional military knowledge and competence that the Continental Army sorely needed. . .’’ Europeans ‘’Johann de Kalb and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, both Germans, and the Marquis de Lafayette, an influential French nobleman who financed his own way, were all to make valuable contributions as trainers and leaders.’’ (‘’The Winning of Independence, 1777-1783’’ American Military History, 1989.) By sending useful resources and skills the Europeans were able help the Colonists win the U.S. Independence

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