
What The Ideal Community Would Look Like

Satisfactory Essays

Each philosopher has their own concept of what the ideal community would look like. For the community to exist, it must have active members. To appeal to the members the community it is necessary to provide them with certain freedoms they would not have otherwise, whether that is in another type of society or the state of nature. Rousseau makes it clear in the opening of The Social Contract that he believed man was most free when he was living in the state of nature. While other philosophers like Hobbes and Aristotle believed that man could only be free within the community, Rousseau said that, “Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Meaning that he thought man was free in nature, a “noble savage”, and it is when he enters society that he surrenders his freedoms and morality. In nature, man was so free that he had no use for language, no need to communicate any more than an animal would by expressing himself through simple cries. The introduction of language was established as a result of the development of community. Because there is no unlearning the impressions of society, Rousseau envisioned a new kind of freedom for the community members to share. He felt that each person should be a part of the political body, so no one person would be in charge. He emphasizes the wholeness of a community, he claims that, “Each of us places his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will; and as one we receive each member as an

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